
The Cause

Insulin resistance is the cause of most chronic diseases. We’ll teach you how to make sure it’s NOT part of your life.



Too little and you can die. Too much and you will grow sick and still die… slowly.

Because WiO knows that insulin resistance is the cause, or at the root, of most chronic diseases, we have built a diet protocol and deliciously healthy SmartFoods™ that will give you the correct ratio of fats, proteins and carbs to help keep your insulin levels at a healthy balance so you can enjoy a healthier life!

How did I get here?

Knowing how you arrived at your present level of health is vital. We provide you the latest in what science has found to be the cause of the chronic issues that are plaguing you.

The Bad About Insulin

Research shows that excessive and prolonged level of insulin is a primary cause of chronic disease, like obesity and type II diabetes.

Recent medical lab news indicates that the solution to what ails us is more than keto or low carb. The war on carbs needs to be refined to a focus of controlling your level of insulin.

What determines my health?

FOOD! The foods in your diet are more important in determining your health than anything else. More than exercise, supplements and about anything else you could do when trying to improve your health.

A simple change of the foods that you’re eating, and you can experience a dramatic change in your health. And it’s easier and more delicious than you may think.

Change Today = Success Tomorrow

Make a list of your health symptoms that you have right now. Studies have been able to connect each of your symptoms to the foods that you have been eating. Continue eating those insulin producing foods and science can accurately predict that your symptoms will continue to worsen, in spite of taking medication.

Change what you’re eating today and your body will respond almost immediately. You will be able to see results in a matter of a few days. Although exercise does play an important role in your health, it isn’t as effective for weight loss as eating the right foods.

Your insulin levels are dangerously high.

If you eat what most Americans eat, you likely have at least one chronic disease. Studies are showing that Americans are sick because of their elevated insulin levels.

As a result, 70% of Americans are taking at least one medication. Prolonged, elevated insulin can be linked to all of these chronic issues.

Which Do YOU Have?
Overweight or Obesity, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol and or Triglyceride levels, Diabetes, Insulin Resistance OR Elevated Glucose levels, Fatty liver (NAFLD)

Food Controls Your Insulin Levels

  • The more glucose you have in your blood, the higher the concentration of insulin there is flowing throughout your body.


  • Insulin is the main trigger to inflammation. Experts agree that prolonged exposure to inflammation is very detrimental to your health.


  • Carbohydrates increase insulin levels.


  • Carbohydrates are the only macronutrient that is not essential for good health.

Therefore, what?

Meal after meal, day after day, you should be limiting your levels of insulin by controlling the amount of carbohydrates you eat.

Most Americans eat 300-400 grams of carbohydrates a day. That’s 50-65% of their total calories eaten, coming from carbs.

Carbohydrates aren’t bad for you, but humans were not designed to have that many carbs.

This type of daily diet is why more than 50% of Americans are Insulin Resistance.

Balance your FPC Ratio

The longer you eat the wrong FPC Ratio the more chronic issues you will develop. Preventing and reversing chronic conditions is relatively easy, though it does require a lifestyle change. It’s simple, just a rearrangement of your FPC. Are you ready to end your unwanted symptoms, are you ready for a change?

Having your body’s cells resistant to insulin is more of a dimmer switch instead of an off or on switch. Truth is, it starts with just a few localized cells that ignore this powerful hormone. If left unchecked, and years of hyper insulin production and a majority or your cell will be resistant to insulin.

Insulin is usually the first chronic disease to affect you, because if you have any of the chronic issues mentioned here, you had insulin resistance first. Over 50% Americans have insulin resistance, and yet 90% of people who have this condition are left undiagnosed.

Too Much Insulin = Weight Gain

It comes down to basic body chemistry. Everything you eat creates a chemical response in your body. When you eat carbs, it is converted into glucose. The glucose triggers your pancreas to make insulin. The insulin triggers hundreds of other chemical responses and too much insulin for too long results in chronic issues such as obesity.

Too Much Insulin Can Be Dangerous

If your body is producing higher levels of insulin it is nearly impossible to lose body fat. Your body was designed to function optimally on both ketones with as little insulin as possible. Foods with the right FPC balance can help you with Chronic Illnesses and Metabolic Syndrome.

Fad Diet?

You don’t need the latest diet gimmick to be healthy and get your body back. All you need is the RIGHT food, and to balance that food into a healthy FPC ratio. Simple.

The reason diets don’t work is because they focus on losing weight or some other chronic disease. Having extra body weight isn’t the problem, it’s a symptom of THE problem.

Treating symptoms is like putting tape over the holes in a bucket, it never addresses where the holes come from and why it is happening.

The Real Reason WHY

In other words, you must find out WHY your body is gaining weight, has high blood pressure, elevated glucose, high cholesterol low energy, etc.

HINT—it’s not because you’re eating too much food or eating too much fat and not exercising enough!

If you’re frustrated because you don’t know the cause of your symptoms, don’t worry, we do, and we want to share the secrets of how to get your health and the body that you want BACK!

Eat Today. Pay Tomorrow.

Yesterday’s meal flooded your body with insulin.

Today’s food choices will determine your level of health tomorrow.

It’s a biological reality that when we eat anything, your body will respond with a chemical mixture giving instructions to the rest of the cells in your body. The details of your chemical mixture will depend on the ratio balance of your FPC macro-nutrients.

Is Food Making You Sick?

We have all eaten food that made our stomach upset. Recent studies are demanding that we all ask that question about the foods we are eating.

Luckily, the research has given us what to look for. Any food or food combination that causes high levels of insulin for prolonged periods of time increases your chances of developing a combination of several chronic issues.

Cascading Events Are Imminent

Eating carbs throughout your day will result in elevated insulin all day. After a short time, some of your cells will become insulin resistant. The following chronic issues can affect you in any order but most generally follow this order.

When your cells become resistant to insulin your pancreas will become overworked with producing insulin so often, you don’t want insulin resistance because it always leads to more unhealthy chronic issues. A sad report is 53% of people are insulin resistant.

When your pancreas is constantly pumping out insulin because your ratio of carbohydrates are too high throughout the day, you develop a hyper insulin producing pancreas called hyperinsulinemia.

When your cells start ignoring insulin, your pancreas goes into hyper drive and makes more and more insulin to try and keep your glucose levels down. It doesn’t take long for your liver to get too fat. Called Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and is the leading cause of NASH and kidney failure.

Insulin is a growth hormone. When insulin is dominant it is impossible to lose weight and weight gain is achieved even with the least amount of daily calories. Insulin can’t drop down to healthy levels when all your meals and snacks are high in carbohydrates.

Too much salt, heredity and stress are most often blamed for elevated blood pressure. These can play a part, but clinical evidence clearly shows that insulin is the cause. Plaque build up in your arteries is due to glucose and insulin in your bloodstream for too long, restricting blood flow, causing your heart to work harder and raising your blood pressure.

Diabetes will always follow insulin resistance and most often a fatty liver. The culprit and primary cause of type II is prolonged levels of insulin. People all over the world are finding relief from this terrible condition by following a low insulin diet.

Don’t Make Low-Carb The Goal

In a ketogenic or keto diet the practice of eating low-carb is too often the end goal. Studies are clear that lowering your carbohydrates isn’t enough. Eating low-carb should be a lifestyle not a destination. Instead, lowering your insulin levels will give you the health and body you want.

Bright Side & Dark Side
of Insulin

Insulin is an important and necessary hormone.

Science has known for a long time that eating carbohydrates will spike your insulin levels. But don’t worry, your body was designed to handle when insulin levels go up…periodically.

Insulin is an important and necessary “master” hormone. When your body wants to build new cells, muscle, bone and repair itself, insulin (and protein in correct amounts) is the hormone best suited for the task.

Too Much of A Good Thing

Just like most things, too much of a good thing can turn bad. When you have high insulin levels most of the time, from most of the foods you eat, the dark side of insulin comes into the light.

All inflammation health risks are linked to insulin. Obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cholesterol increases, and premature aging are all related to being over exposure to insulin.

WiO Eating Plan— Advanced Keto

When you do eat a high-carb meal, the best way to drop your high insulin levels is to follow with a water fast or no-carb, higher-fat meal. This will push insulin levels back down to healthy levels. Nothing controls insulin levels more effectively than the WiO Eating Plan – Advanced Keto.

Whether you want to lose fat, build muscle, increase sports performance, eliminate medications like insulin, hypertension or cholesterol-lowering meds, or just want to feel better and improve your health, WiO has what you need!

Turn Back Time

When you lower your inflammation, your cells can repair themselves better, faster and your cells live longer. That means, that even if you have had a chronic disease for years, the moment you lower your inflammation you turn back the hands of time.

Your body begins to repair itself to a younger version of you. It’s time to go back to “yesterday”… again! We can help you go back in time. To when you felt better. Your body performed better. You were better. Tomorrow can wait, yesterday is waiting for you.

The two reasons why WiO can help you achieve your goals faster.

Dietary eating program based in proven science and validated by popular opinion

“Every chronic disease starts in our gut… from the foods we do OR don’t eat…”

Delicious, functional foods with the right balance of fats, proteins & carbs in each meal

“…I would eat [SmartFoods] regardless if I was on a diet… it’s better than homemade!”

You’re going to eat food anyway in your daily diet. Why not eat the foods that are good for you?

What do YOU need?

I Need Low-Carb, Fat-Free Foods

I Need a Science-Proven Diet Plan