
The Tools

We’ll provide you with tools such as the MRP Protocol & SmartFoods™ to help you overcome chronic issues and achieve better health.



WiO’s science-proven diet program and our low-carb, low calorie, fat-free SmartFoods™are your primary tools for better health. But the right knowledge and good habits are also powerful tools in your fight against chronic disease.

The WiO Eating Lifestyle™, the FPC Ratio™ and understanding the proper roles of ketones and insulin are “knowledge tools” to help you achieve your goals faster, but are also guides for a lifetime of healthy living.

The two reasons why WiO can help you achieve your goals faster.

Dietary eating program based in proven science and validated by popular opinion

“Every chronic disease starts in our gut… from the foods we do OR don’t eat…”

Delicious, functional foods with the right balance of fats, proteins & carbs in each meal

“…I would eat [SmartFoods] regardless if I was on a diet… it’s better than homemade!”

You’re going to eat food anyway in your daily diet. Why not eat the foods that are good for you?

What do YOU need?

I Need Low-Carb, Fat-Free Foods

I Need a Science-Proven Diet Plan

WiO Learning Center

Good decisions are based on factual knowledge. The WiO Learning Center is full of FREE content, because we want you to be educated about your health!

The WiO Diet Program and SmartFoods™ are part of the
WiO Eating Lifestyle

What is the WiO Eating Lifestyle?

It is eating with a mindful focus on the ratio of your Fats, Protein and Carbohydrates (FPC Ratio).


The Solution = foods eaten in the RIGHT FPC Ratio

LIMIT CARBS TO 20–110 GRAMS A DAY* (depending on your level of health)


*Based on a 2,000-calorie diet

Our philosophy is: “Eat what you want*—
just balance your FPC Ratio.”
*All-natural foods recommended

We now know that chronic disease is caused by the foods eaten in the wrong FPC Ratio.


Hours in the gym or miles of running won’t overcome a macro-eating imbalance in your FPC Ratio. Exercise is important but working out can’t outrun an unhealthy diet.

FPC Ratio controls the master hormones, which in turn control your level of health.

The ratio amount of Fat, Protein, Carbs you choose to eat triggers vital hormones that regulate and manage your chronic health Issues, such as insulin resistance, and will literally determine your level of health for the rest of your life. The only way to control these powerful hormones is to control the ratio of fat, protein and carbs (FPC Ratio).

Change Your FPC Ratio. Change Your Health!

Calories Don’t Matter

ANY macronutrient can be a part of a healthy diet, but too much of a good thing can harm you, and the biggest danger isn’t what you probably think.

It’s definitely not how many calories you’re eating. Truth is, just about any food can fit into a healthy lifestyle. The research is proving that it all comes down to your food choice fitting into the right FPC Ratio.

We Make it Easy!

No matter your age, if you’re male or female, it doesn’t matter what diet you follow—even if you’re a professional athlete or a weekend warrior—at the center of your program is food, and we have you covered.

WIO gives you 3 easy control categories that give you the power to control what you WANT and what your body NEEDS.

How The WiO Control System Is Your Solution:

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All of us want expert advice of what is best to eat to achieve the body and health that we want. WiO’s MRP is ready to meet your needs for lowering your Insulin levels with controlling your carbs to less than 20 grams a day. Designed for the person that wants to tackle their chronic Issues fast and make the WiO eating plan your last diet.

The latest research is formulated into a Phase 1-4 personalized eating plan, eliminating the guesswork of what you should be doing. Complete with ProOmega Oil 3-6-9 + Liver Detox, WiO Hydrate Electrolyte Enhancer, and WiO SmartExtracts for that fun and healthy kick of flavor in your MRP!

Use this 4-Phase
Daily Meal Schedule

The WiO Meal Replacement Protocol is divided into 4 phases, each with its own daily meal schedule carefully designed to help you achieve optimum results.

We have created these guide sheets to help you along the way.

Download Phase 1-4 PDFs now.

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WiO SmartFoods™

Our SmartFoods™ line makes it deliciously easy to stay on course when you want a snack or don’t feel like cooking, with our ready-to-eat foods that are Smart enough to be Fat, Protein, and Carb (FPC) ratio-balanced, but still clever enough to taste like you expect… delicious!

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Do it Yourself

Control At Home: Low Carb Flours / Zero Calorie Sweetener
You have your favorite family recipes that you make at home. Often those favorites do not fit into the perfect FPC ratio. With FPC Control III they now can. We have specially formulated kitchen ingredients that give you the power to control the amount of carbs and fats that your body will absorb. Never before, have you had the power to control the FPC Ratio of your favorite recipes.

Control Away From Home: TrioTrim & CarbMagic
Sometimes you need to control the FPC Ratio of foods when you’re away from home eating at your favorite restaurant. Our Trio-Trim and Carb Magic capsules are the perfect answer. Using our TrioTrim and CarbMagic capsules, you can enjoy your heavy-carb high-fat favorites without affecting your insulin levels as much. It’s kinda like a seat belt for food safety while maintaining the perfect FPC Ratio Balance.

Ketones vs. Insulin

Day & Night

It is a chemical reality that insulin and ketones are biological opposites. Kind of like night and day, when your ketones are high that means your insulin is low. That’s because higher levels of insulin have the power to slow and stop ketone production in your body.

Low Glucose Can Fool You
Many people mistakenly think that if your glucose levels are low, so are your insulin levels. But they forget about the role that insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia, carbohydrate intolerance and fat adaptation play in a glucose reading.

Why Did My Glucose Go Up?

Why Do You Want Ketones?

As more and more research pours in, it shows that your body loves ketones and the health benefits from what is being called the 4th macronutrient.

The WiO Diet Program and SmartFoods™ give you the power to keep your insulin levels low and keep your ketones high. You can see from this graph how ketone levels and WiO SmartFoods™ are partners in making sure you benefit from everything that ketones have to offer.

Low Insulin Is The Goal

Forget Glucose — Measure Ketones
Unless you’re a diabetic and not producing any insulin, you’re always making some insulin even when your ketones are high. Even if you’re not eating any carbs your liver is always making some glucose and you can still be in a high level of ketosis and be burning body fat.

More and more research is identifying that not everyone responds the same to glucose. Some are more sensitive, and others are less tolerant. Scientists identify these people as being carbohydrate-intolerant.

WiO Carb Inhibitor & Fat Blocker

The Takeaway

The takeaway is: Follow a keto diet and focus on your ketone levels instead of blood glucose levels because the glucose readings can mislead you, especially if you’re carbohydrate-intolerant or insulin-resistant.

Following the WiO Eating Lifestyle won’t lead you astray and will keep your ketones high.