



In addition to our revolutionary “most nutritionally dense Meal Replacement Shake” in the world, and science-proven diet plan, we offer low-carb, fat-free, protein-rich, keto-friendly SmartFoods™ to make your personal health journey more successful and deliciously easier!

Your Favorite Foods Now Fat-Free & Low-Carb

Drooling is Allowed!

You Want Health?

#1 Eat Healthy Food
#2 Your Macros Must Be Balanced

“Not only did I break out of a plateau in my weight loss, but I did it eating tortilla chips and guacamole. Dude, tortilla chips. That’s all you need to know! I have never been so pleased with a product! I absolutely love the flour. The baked goods I’ve made in the last week are out of this world. The burger buns and tortillas are to die for… worth every penny.”


Getting balanced can be a challenge. So we made balanced foods for YOU.

Because Normal Healthy Food Isn’t Enough

No matter your age, if you’re male or female, it doesn’t matter what diet you follow—even if you’re a professional athlete or a weekend warrior—at the center of your program is food, and we have you covered.

  • It HAS to taste fantastic. Because good, isn’t good enough.
  • The proper balance of fats, protein and carbs must be at the center of your diet to put your body on the right track. We call it the FPC Ratio.
  • It must be simple—no weighing food, counting calories or hours preparing meals.
  • Affordable—WiO fits any budget.

NEW to 2021: Enjoying a keto-approved, fat-free muffin that you love more than Grandma’s recipe.

With SmartFoods™ you don’t have to count calories or sacrifice the foods you really want to eat, all because you’re watching your waistline or your health.

Our SmartFoods™ have 85%* less calories with zero fat and very low carbs, and they are all-natural!

The proof is in your blood

Our SmartFoods™ give you the power to maintain or increase your ketone levels. You can see from the graph how ketone levels and WiO SmartFoods™ are partners in making sure you benefit from everything that ketones have to offer.

The next time you eat a food check your ketone levels and you will discover how your insulin responds. Our SmartFoods™ can help maintain effective ketone levels and low insulin.

What is Digestibility Corrected?

WiO uses all-natural plant-based ingredients in our SmartFoods™ that function as carb-inhibitors and fat-blockers so that the body simply does not absorb the carbs and fats. “Digestibility Corrected” measures how much the body may digest of carbohydrates or fats.

The FDA adopted this term into the Code of Federal Regulations in 1993. Labels with this symbol indicate that not all carbs and fats may be digested. The bottom line is: if the body can’t digest it and deliver it to the cells (because of the carb-inhibitors and fat-blockers) it is of no use to the human body and is eliminated through waste.

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What is Digestibility Corrected?

WiO uses all-natural plant-based ingredients in our SmartFoods™ that function as carb-inhibitors and fat-blockers so that the body simply does not absorb the carbs and fats. “Digestibility Corrected” measures how much the body may digest of carbohydrates or fats.

The FDA adopted this term into the Code of Federal Regulations in 1993. Labels with this symbol indicate that not all carbs and fats may be digested. The bottom line is: if the body can’t digest it and deliver it to the cells (because of the carb-inhibitors and fat-blockers) it is of no use to the human body and is eliminated through waste.

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WiO Offers a Sustainable Healthy Lifestyle

We all want to eat healthier. Sometimes it’s easier to eat healthy—and sometimes it can feel downright impossible. We all face moments when we just want to enjoy delicious comfort foods.

Your Body Doesn’t Hate You

Whether it’s a meal or a snack that we reach for—if it doesn’t have the correct FPC balance (see below)—your body has no other option than to respond based on the amount of carbs, fat and protein contained in your food choices. Healthy supplements, exercise or good intentions won’t be able to undo the insulin-promoting food choices.

WiO SmartFoods™ CAN and WILL Help

It’s kind of like you have two different appetites. You have an appetite for flavor, texture and just the right food to make your taste buds jump for joy, and you have a cellular appetite. Your body doesn’t care about taste. It spends all its time trying to create the right chemistry needed to use building blocks to ensure your good health. But your body can’t create something out of nothing… it needs the correct FPC Ratio. With WiO SmartFoods™ it’s easy to buy low-carb foods so you can get both flavor and the right chemistry.

The two reasons why WiO can help you achieve your goals faster.

1. Dietary eating program based on proven science and validated by the latest research.
“Every chronic disease starts in our gut… from the foods we do OR don’t eat…”

2. Delicious, functional foods with the right balance of fats, proteins & carbs in each meal.
“…I would eat [SmartFoods] regardless if I was on a diet… it’s better than homemade!”

You’re always on a DIET.

The food you choose to eat “IS” your diet,
regardless if you are:
1- losing
2- gaining or
3- maintaining your weight.

WiO’s MRP Diet Program is part of the

What is the WiO Eating Lifestyle?

It is eating with a mindful focus on the ratio of your Fats, Protein and Carbohydrates (FPC Ratio).


The Solution = foods eaten in the RIGHT FPC Ratio



*Based on a 2,000-calorie diet

Our philosophy is: “Eat what you want*—
just balance your FPC Ratio.”
*All-natural foods recommended

We now know that chronic disease is caused by the foods eaten in the wrong FPC Ratio.


Hours in the gym or miles of running won’t overcome a macro-eating imbalance in your FPC Ratio. Exercise is important but working out can’t outrun an unhealthy diet.

FPC Ratio controls the master hormones, which in turn control your level of health.

The ratio amount of Fat, Protein, Carbs you choose to eat triggers vital hormones that regulate and manage your chronic health Issues, such as insulin resistance, and will literally determine your level of health for the rest of your life. The only way to control these powerful hormones is to control the ratio of fat, protein and carbs (FPC Ratio).

Change Your FPC Ratio. Change Your Health!

Calories Don’t Matter

Each macronutrient can be a part of a healthy diet, but too much of a good thing can harm you, and the biggest danger isn’t what you probably think.

It’s definitely not how many calories you’re eating. Truth is, just about any food can fit into a healthy lifestyle. The research is proving that it all comes down to your food choice fitting into the right FPC Ratio.

We Make it Easy!

No matter your age, if you’re male or female, it doesn’t matter what diet you follow—even if you’re a professional athlete or a weekend warrior—at the center of your program is food, and we have you covered.

WIO gives you 3 easy control categories that give you the power to control what you WANT and what your body NEEDS.

How The WiO Control System Is Your Solution:

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All of us want expert advice of what is best to eat to achieve the body and health that we want. WiO’s MRP is ready to meet your needs for lowering your Insulin levels with controlling your carbs to less than 20 grams a day. Designed for the person that wants to tackle their chronic Issues fast and make the WiO eating plan your last diet.

The latest research is formulated into a Phase 1-4 personalized eating plan, eliminating the guesswork of what you should be doing. Complete with ProOmega Oil 3-6-9 + Liver Detox, WiO Hydrate Electrolyte Enhancer, and WiO SmartExtracts for that fun and healthy kick of flavor in your MRP!

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WiO SmartFoods™

Our SmartFoods™ line makes it deliciously easy to buy low-carb foods and stay on course when you want a snack or don’t feel like cooking, with our ready-to-eat foods that are Smart enough to be Fat, Protein, and Carb (FPC) ratio-balanced, but still clever enough to taste like you expect… delicious!

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Do it Yourself

Control At Home: Low Carb Flours / Zero Calorie Sweetener
You have your favorite family recipes that you make at home. Often those favorites do not fit into the perfect FPC ratio. With FPC Control III they now can. We have specially formulated kitchen ingredients that give you the power to control the amount of carbs and fats that your body will absorb. Never before, have you had the power to control the FPC Ratio of your favorite recipes.

Control Away From Home: TrioTrim & CarbMagic
Sometimes you need to control the FPC Ratio of foods when you’re away from home eating at your favorite restaurant. Our Trio-Trim and Carb Magic capsules are the perfect answer. Using our TrioTrim and CarbMagic capsules, you can enjoy your heavy-carb high-fat favorites without affecting your insulin levels as much. It’s kinda like a seat belt for food safety while maintaining the perfect FPC Ratio Balance.